Free Newsletter Sermonettes

FREE NEWSLETTER SERMONETTES are mini-sermons or short messages used for the front of Church newsletters or bulletins.

How To Write A Sermonette

Writing a newsletter sermonette should really be just a summary of the Sunday morning sermon. A newsletter sermonette should simply re-inforce the main preaching point of your sermon with its sub-points.

Once you have prepared your Sunday morning sermon, you can simply summarise it and place it on the front of your newsletter or bulletin.

The newsletter sermonette below is a summary of a sermon called: Discovering the Power of Prayer, which is the main preaching point. The sub-points are: 1) prayer relieves anxiety and 2) prayer brings peace.

Discovering the Power of Prayer

Sir Isaac Newton said that he could take his telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space. Then he added, “But when I lay it aside, go into my room, shut the door, and get down on my knees in earnest prayer, I see more of heaven and feel closer to the Lord than if I were assisted by all the telescopes on earth.”

What was Isaac Newton saying in this statement? I believe he was saying that the power of prayer declares the nearness of God. In other words, we have a God who is near, a God who is ever present to hear our prayers. Therefore, if we want to experience the nearness of God, then we need to discover the power of prayer (Phil. 4:5b).

Furthermore, the power of prayer relieves anxiety and brings the peace of God (Phil. 4:6-7). When Jesus was about to face his hour of anguish (ie., the brutality of the cross on behalf of you and me), He knelt down and prayed. The Bible tells us that His prayer became very intense because His sweat became like great drops of blood falling down to the ground” (Luke 22:41-44). We will never understand the fullness of His sweat appearing as great drop of blood; but we do know that He trusted His life to His Father, submitted His cares to Him in prayer, and found peace and solace in His Father’s presence.

What a privilege to carry everything to God in prayer! May we discover and experience the power of prayer in our journey with Jesus!

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